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Invelos Forums->Posts by GSyren Page: 1 2 3 ...8  Previous   Next
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Quoting leperlord:
Thank you GSyren!!! 

Many thanks for your hard work & patience to get your plugin running on my laptop.

And it is still working... 

Your plugins make our beloved DVD Profiler a better program. So, once more....


That's what mediadogg and I are aiming for. 
Topic Replies: 55, Topic Views: 4487
TurboCLT 1.3.7

Very minor bug fix. In rare cases TurboCLT could determine the wrong local IP address when you clicked "Use HTTPJolie" in Settings. This has been fixed.

If your current TurboCLT works with HTTPJolie, then there is no need to upgrade.
Topic Replies: 55, Topic Views: 4487
TurboCLT 1.3.6

On some computers WebView2 failed to work, meaning that it never loaded Invelos' web page. A new version of WebView2 seems to have fixed that problem.

If version 1.3.5 worked for you, you will see very little difference.

User leperlord: Many thanks for your help. I would not have been able to fix this without your patient testing. 
Topic Replies: 55, Topic Views: 4487
Well, restoring functionality to the way it was before the server update isn't quite the same as software development, in my opinion, so I'm still cautiously optimistic.
Topic Replies: 8, Topic Views: 649
Good to know. I guess this means that MyMovies will be my first choice if DVD Profiler stops working.
Topic Replies: 23, Topic Views: 974
Quoting dee1959jay:
AFAIK those have gone unanswered for years now, so you can forget about a solution in that way.

Unanswered doesn't neccessarily mean unread. But then again, being read doesn't neccessarily mean being fixed.
But one can hope …
Topic Replies: 8, Topic Views: 649
By th way, I believe that on the Canadian keyboard, the ”correct” apostrophy is on the same key as the comma.
What you have used looks more like a left single quotation mark.
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 432
Quoting widescreenforever:
even ignoring the apostrophe and only using burbs won’t find it either.

Click the Search Options button (to the right of the search field) and select "Contains". This should find the profile using "burbs".
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 432
Do you use the correct apostrophy? I can find it with 'Burbs on my iPad.
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 432
Hm, that's even more confusing.

I don't think that there is an official definition of ”joining words”. You mentioned conjunctions. Well, as far as I can tell, ”a” and ”the” are not conjunctions, for example.

Is there a rule for hyphenated words if the Stylebook doesn't apply? The capitalization tool accepts both ”Sci-fi” and ”Sci-Fi” for example. That makes checking really tricky.
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 286
I have been toying with a program to detect incorrect capitalization of rating details. It's tricky because Invelos' capitalization rules are a bit obscure.

In the rules there is a capitalization tool (in the Titles page) that helps. But I seem to remember someone mentioning that the capitalization filter for Titles doesn't always agree with this capitalization tool. Does anyone know what discrepancies there may be, if any?

I want to try to exclude any grey areas, and only list capitalization that is unquestionably incorrect.
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 286
Quoting rdodolak:
I don't think that would help as it's likely that the incremental update file isn't being generated on the server side.

I'm pretty sure that's right. It has to be a server side issue.
Topic Replies: 29, Topic Views: 2964
Quoting Rander:
Has he somehow lost all the source code in a disc crash (my own guess)?

No backup? I refuse to believe that any commercial developer would make such a rookie mistake!

Initially I thought it might be a gag order due to a legal problem, like when we went from Intervocative to Invelos. But this long?

Quoting rdolak:
Ken still visits the forums whether he responds or not

Well, someone logs in using Ken's account, but is it actually Ken? 
Topic Replies: 51, Topic Views: 4922
Fixed in ProfilerQuery 5.0.7
Topic Replies: 309, Topic Views: 36862
Short answer: You have to untag those profiles first.

- Flag all profiles (Ctrl-A).
- Select Collection / Flagged / Set Tags.
- Uncheck the tag in question and click OK.
- Delete the tag.
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 420
Quoting MrVideo:
Any  ideas on why I don't see the dialog that you see for selecting the collection?.

That comes after selecting file name and location if I remember correctly. Can't check right now.
Topic Replies: 309, Topic Views: 36862
Quoting mreeder50:
Thank you so much, this is exactly what I do.

Glad to hear it, Marty. Feel free to let me know if you think any feature should be added!
Topic Replies: 28, Topic Views: 27111
Quoting MrVideo:
If you are referring to the error list that I sent you, nothing was fixed. I get the same error list.

BTW, the link on the website is still 5a instead of 6. I manually changed the link to download the program installer.

The web site is correct. You may have needed to refresh your browser as it could have cached the previous page version.

Since you still get the error, could you send me the new error message. It should have a different source line reference. It's tricky to fix errors that I can't reproduce.
Topic Replies: 309, Topic Views: 36862
DvdpScheduler 2.7.0

I had long planned to add "On demand" as a scheduling option, and I finally got off my butt. It's basically the same as if you have "Once" with a passed date/time, but it's more obvious that this is never intended to run on a schedule, but only when you press the Run button.

Please note that when a task is scheduled to run, your PC needs to be logged in. There is no way to control DVD Profiler otherwise. If you're not comfortable leaving your PC logged in, then "On demand" is probably the only useful option. That lets you start a single or multiple tasks with just a click of a button. I use that a lot, but I guess your milage will vary.
Topic Replies: 28, Topic Views: 27111
See post about ProfilerQuery 5.0.6 in Plugins forum.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 792
ProfilerQuery 5.0.6
In Windows 10 and 11 tcpClient.ConnectAsync returns False if it cannot connect. But it seems that in Windows 7 it throws an exception instead. I can't test that since I don't have Windows 7, but I have added error trapping that I hope will handle that. (And I changed "se documentation" to "see Help file".)
Topic Replies: 309, Topic Views: 36862
Quoting MrVideo:
BTW it is "see documentation" not "se documentation" in the Advanced settings. There's documentation?

Yes, the help file is the documentation. Maybe it would have been clearer if it had said "See help file", I give you that. As for the misspelling, I guess that little slip is because it's "se" in my native language Swedish. Noted for correction.
Topic Replies: 309, Topic Views: 36862
Quoting MrVideo:
I'm assuming, based on the need for this command file, that going thru DVDProfiler's export function doesn't give you a way to select your owned collection.

Here is where you select "Owned", or whichever, in the normal export. Note that my collections are named differently than yours.

The reason for the command file is that it's a lot less steps than going through the normal export, if you always make the same selections.
Topic Replies: 309, Topic Views: 36862
MrVideo, thank you for sending me that error report. I think I know what happened, but not why.

ProfilerQuery has two possible ways of communicating with DVD Profiler in order to select a profile; using simulated keystrokes or using mediadogg's plugin HTTPJolie. When the program starts, it tries to communicate with HTTPJolie in order to find out if it is available or not. If that fails, it will remember it and fall back to using keystrokes. The failure to communicate should be handled internally in ProfilerQuery and not throw an exception. I must try to figure out why this did not work this time.

Regarding the database corruption, it is understandable that you assumed that it had to do with ProfilerQuery. It must, however, have been something else. A database corruption can go undetected for a long time if it affects just a single profile. The database that DVD Profiler uses is known to be a little bit vulnerable. That's why the Database Repair utility is there.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 792
Just a few notes from me.

I assumed that you had looked for a suitable filter in Profiler itself and not found one. That why I offered alternatives.

Here is how you select 3D profiles in ProfilerQuery in the Main selection tab:

This will show only the 3D profiles in the result. I just tested to make sure.
Saving to CSV (File / Save result to file) will save the same fields that you have defined in the Presentation tab, so the same fields you see in the result.

Lots of people have used ProfilerQuery without experiencing " a crapload of errors". If you had problems it would have been nice if you had contacted me about it.

The problem with Profiler not minimizing is due to a bug in the Windows API, and is mentioned in the help file under "Troubleshooting":
If you click on the Profiler icon in the task bar, Profiler should go back to being resizeable.

ProfilerQuery only reads the XML file. It does not modify the database, so it cannot corrupt it. Either you had some other problem with your database, or you shut down DVD Profiler using the Task Manager.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 792
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