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Registered: March 24, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 2,044 |
| Posted: | | | | DVDP 3.6, OOOOOOOOOOH! Rory  | | | DVD Profiler for iOS as of 3/5/2013 DVD Profiler for Android as of 5/17/2013 |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Posts: 1,339 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting Ken Cole: Quote:
The iPhone market is a strange beast. The only way many of the apps survive without a larger price and/or subscription fee is that the average use period for each user is very short, even for paid apps. It's a risk to launch with a one-time fee. If the users keep using it for year after year, the server costs can easily surpass the original income. But, I believe a subscription fee is the kiss of death in the iPhone market. Very likely it will launch with a nominal one-time fee (likely less than mobile), and we will monitor the situation closely. I agree the iPhone market is unique... I just read a story about how most apps have very low longevity... and obviously the vast majority of paid apps are under $5... however... the angle you are working is more unique. You would need to honestly ask... who is your audience... Current DVD Profiler users? - A similar situation to mobile... you basically get whoever in your user base has a compatible device and cares enough to buy... in that case... the same price as Mobile... if not more to compensate for development costs (new platform osx) and apple's cut... i doubt the general users will care or are you trying to gain new customers through the App Store... then that's a whole new beast... also... take my profiler liscence for example... I purchased it in 2002 for $25... surely my desktop version has cost more in server usage then that in the past 7 years... or is my math wrong.... | | | -JoN |
Registered: March 13, 2007 | Posts: 671 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting sugarjoe: Quote: I feel you are going the wrong direction. Unless the most important current problems are targeted (name parsing, linking, forum abuse by trolls, no forum moderation just to name a few) you will continue to see long time users walk away or just stopping to contribute. You just have to acknowledge that you can't make it right for everyone. More crew fields surely do not help. Amen to that! Personally, I would happily wait a year or so for the announced updates if if meant that (especially) the forum-problems were addressed. But I'm afraid that Ken will (once again) ignore this point, hoping it will sort itself out... | | | The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet. (William Gibson) |
Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 467 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting sugarjoe: Quote:
I feel you are going the wrong direction. Unless the most important current problems are targeted (name parsing, linking, forum abuse by trolls, no forum moderation just to name a few) you will continue to see long time users walk away or just stopping to contribute. You just have to acknowledge that you can't make it right for everyone. More crew fields surely do not help. You are right but to my mind it's not at the developer to waste time to develop some features to prevent bad comportements of some users. Ken develops DVD Profiler and features link to this, he doesn't develop a forum software or some other things. If everybody would be courteous and civilized we don't have to need some kind of things. Users are waiting new features to DVD Profiler or improvement to what it exists and not tools to moderate the forum. Maybe the forum need one or several people to moderate it and stop bad discussions between users but that's all! I know the different forums software are this kind of possibility so maybe Ken sould use one of them to avoid the need of create this to his forum but no more. It's a personal opinion so of course there will be people that won't be in accord to this. | | | Regards Cyrille |
Registered: May 19, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 5,918 |
| Posted: | | | | Actually, he wrote the forum software used here. |
Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 467 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting Dr. Killpatient: Quote: Actually, he wrote the forum software used here. Yes I know that. For me the features offered by the forum is enough (maybe the search feature is a little bit limited) but it seems for some users Ken should develop new features to moderate/make the police. For me it's not the main job, priority of Ken. I suppose he wants like majority of users here develop DVD Profiler and associate softwares than tools to supervise the forums. I think it's to users to be courteous and civilized themself. After that if it's really needed maybe it's better to use a new forum soft (not developed by Ken) that has already these features to avoid wasting time. | | | Regards Cyrille |
Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 2,005 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting Cyrille: Quote: but it seems for some users Ken should develop new features to moderate/make the police. No, actually he already he has done that (reputation system). What he needs to do more is take personal actions. And not let some automatic moderating do the dirty work, which has proven to be not effective. Stopping derailed threads is the least what should be done. And call on the ones in PMs who are offensive to others. Then (as I said when the reputation system was introduced), the reputation system wouldn't have been necessary at all. | | | 

 | | | Last edited: by TomGaines |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Posts: 3 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting Ken Cole: Quote:
DVD Profiler Mobile version 1.3 Support for additional device displays (320x320, 640x800)
What about 480x800? |
Registered: March 15, 2007 | Posts: 1,982 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting TomGaines: Quote: No, actually he already he has done that (reputation system). What he needs to do more is take personal actions. And not let some automatic moderating do the dirty work, which has proven to be not effective. Agree completly with you here Tom. A lot of veteran users are on their way out because of the lack of moderation on the forum and many new users don't appear or contribute anymore because of the way they were treated here. I'm one of those who stand in the middle, I visit the forum everyday and evit the long unproductive topic that are the problem. Do I contribute a lot on the forum? Not really, because I don't collect dvd to get in non sense argument for the order a name is written. We all know the problem is maybe 5 members maximum, why Ken doesn't act on this is something that I just can't understand. | | | Last edited: by Jimmy S |
Registered: March 15, 2007 | Posts: 374 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting AESP_pres: Quote: ..., why Ken doesn't act on this is something that I just can't understand. I have asked myself the same question again and again. Maybe he underestimates the effects that accepting this kind of behaviour has on other users? | | | Last edited: by sugarjoe |
Registered: May 26, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 599 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting AESP_pres: Quote: Quoting TomGaines:
Quote: No, actually he already he has done that (reputation system). What he needs to do more is take personal actions. And not let some automatic moderating do the dirty work, which has proven to be not effective. Agree completly with you here Tom. A lot of veteran users are on their way out because of the lack of moderation on the forum and many new users don't appear or contribute anymore because of the way they were treated here. I'm one of those who stand in the middle, I visit the forum everyday and evit the long unproductive topic that are the problem. Do I contribute a lot on the forum? Not really, because I don't collect dvd to get in non sense argument for the order a name is written. We all know the problem is maybe 5 members maximum, why Ken doesn't act on this is something that I just can't understand. I've owned the program for going on near 5 years now and was one of its staunchest proponents over at DVDSpot, where I felt it was needed as a parallel system by collectors to safe guard against another Guzzlefish disaster, which is just what happened with the Spot. But I have to say that for the first 4 years, I very rarely posted on this forum because of the antagonistic nature of certain individuals here. I was ecstatic when Ken implemented the reputation system, hoping that the vitriolic banter would subside. And it did, for about 3 months, then these same people realized that the lion had no teeth and they went right back to their old ways. This forum needs moderators desperately or at least put some teeth in the reputation system's banning ability. |
Registered: March 14, 2007 | Posts: 2,366 |
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Registered: March 13, 2007 | Posts: 671 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting Antares: Quote: This forum needs moderators desperately or at least put some teeth in the reputation system's banning ability. Well said! This is a classic case of the few spoiling it for the many - the only person doesn't seem to understand this is the one who can do something about it...  | | | The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet. (William Gibson) |
Registered: March 10, 2007 | Posts: 4,282 |
| Posted: | | | | The requests for more moderation are not falling on deaf ears. We've made tweaks to the system to make the effect of feedback a bit stronger. Some additional points: - We try to walk the line between censorship and moderation. We may err on the side of freedom a bit. - As policy we do not discuss account suspension. That doesn't mean it does not happen. It does. They'll continue as needed, and you still won't hear about them from us. - Development is distinct from moderation, and will not be put on hold. Software companies make software. Stopping is death and we're not ready to die just yet.  - We're considering stepping up moderation at the cost of some liberty, but this thread is not the place to discuss it. If you wish, start a new thread to discuss the pros and cons of moderation, how far to go, etc. | | | Invelos Software, Inc. Representative |
Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 3,436 |
| Posted: | | | | DVDP for iPhone Can't hardly wait... | | | Achim [諾亞信; Ya-Shin//Nuo], a German in Taiwan. Registered: May 29, 2000 (at InterVocative) |
Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 3,321 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting Ken Cole: Quote: - Development is distinct from moderation, and will not be put on hold. Software companies make software. Stopping is death and we're not ready to die just yet.  I'm glad to see this attitude! I understand all the other opinions in here, but I imagine problems with the forums affect a very minute portion of your users. So I'm very excited to see progress continue on the software side. Except for the mobile version, these are all great announcements. It will be cool to have an iPhone version. There's really not much else out there right now. Having something tie into my account will be awesome! I'm also looking forward to 3.6 so I can finally fix my plug-ins. And the DPO thing sounds cool too. | | | Get the CSVExport and Database Query plug-ins here. Create fake parent profiles to organize your collection. |