Runtime taking from viewing disc:
Episode 1: 47 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode 2: 48 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode 3: 47 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode 4: 46 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode 5: 47 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode 6: 48 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Xmas Special: 45 minutes, 25 seconds
Total: 331 minutes, 32 seconds
Accoridng to rules round up 30 seconds or higher - 332 Minutes
Features: all feautres on 2nd disc & Scene access on both
Color added
Disc Descriptions updated to reflect content
Cast & crew taken from end credits
Note: Tom Green not Canadian acor/Director, that Tom Green has BY, I could not find a source for BY of this Tom Green
One other BY came up - Dexter Fletcher - in Episode Two
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Profile Contribution Approved Dec 15 2012 5:34PM