DVD Profiler can be launched with one or more of the below startup parameters. To add startup parameters to your DVD Profiler icon, right-click on the icon in the Windows Start menu or Desktop and select "Properties". Enter the desired parameters after the last quote in the "Target" field. Example:

"C:\Program Files\DVD Profiler\dvdpro.exe" /NoSplash

DVD Profiler recognizes the following startup parameters:

/NoSplash Starts DVD Profiler without the splash screen.
/CloseExisting Attempts to close any existing running copy of DVD Profiler before launching.
/CommandFile=[FileName] Opens and executes commands from the designated file name. See Command Files for details. Example:
"C:\Program Files\DVD Profiler\dvdpro.exe" /CommandFile=C:\Commands.txt

See Also
Command Files

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