Connecting to DVD Profiler
  • Make sure you're still on the Options screen in DVD Profiler, or return there via Tools->Options->Sharing.

    In the "Grant Access To" section, select the "Any computer" option, then click the "Test" button.

    Our server will check your connection from the Internet. You'll receive a success or failure message.

    If you receive an "Unable to connect" message, check your PC's firewall configuration. You may need to configure it to allow incoming connections. You may also need to configure your router if your network includes one. Please see our support forums at for details.

    If the connection succeeds, take note of the I.P. Address shown. You'll enter it as "Host" on your mobile device in the next step.

  • DVD Profiler for Windows is now set up. To continue with setup, tap the "Connections Setting" button at the very top of this screen.