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Invelos Forums->Posts by hydr0x Page: 1  Previous   Next
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Quoting njdcampbell:

I'd like to add my DVD Profiler movies to my Letterboxd account.  The standard Collection export doesn't give me the fields I need and throws up lots of errors.  Has anyone developed or know of a report that could be used to do this?  Thanks

I did do it, trying to remember which way exactly. I definitely created the generic letterboxd CSV format. All it needs is a Title and Year column really.

You can certainly use ProfilerQuery, or the CSV Export extension by Mark Harrison, but I think I actually used Enhanced Titles by DJ Doena (http://www.invelos.com/Forums.aspx?task=viewtopic&topicID=784989) as it also has a Export to Excel function which already only includes titles and year. After exporting I opened it in LibreOffice, sorted by Original Title, and copied over the Title to the Original Title for every release which has an empty Original Title. That way you have one column which only Original Titles, which works best with Letterboxd.
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 1582
I always remove them when downloading such a profile and they highly annoy me. I would advise you not to spend any time of them, it's a waste of your free time. Enjoy life instead of fretting over such things.
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 3722
The Contribution Rules are very clear on this: "Use the Rating shown on the DVD cover". The only exception being listed are alternate cuts without rating which should be marked "Unrated" instead of "Not Rated" in certain countries. Under no circumstance do they allow the use of external rating information, not even for discs without a rating on the box. Sorry.
Topic Replies: 7, Topic Views: 2689
Which part of the collection are you adding them to? Is it the main "Owned" tab or some custom one? Go to "Tools" > "Edit Collection Categories". You are likely using a custom category set up there and after the reinstall the checkbox "Collection Numbers" is not set. Set it, that should resolve the issue.
Topic Replies: 2, Topic Views: 1718
Quoting GSyren:
Hi hydr0x,
Yes, I expect a complete export. I didn't realize that there was a good reason not to include everything. I can most certainly fix that. Thanks for pointing that out.

Cast + Crew are the same, they are also optional exports in DVD Profiler. I think disabled by default, just like the overview. However, those don't cause issues in your tool
Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 16903
I get an "endless" amount of exceptions when I try to load my collection XML:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.  at ProfilerMissing.clsOverview.IsMissing(clsProfile Profile) in C:\Users\gsyre\OneDrive\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ProfilerMissing\ProfilerMissing\Checking classes\clsOverview.vb:line 6  at ProfilerMissing.MainWindow.ExamineProfile(clsProfile Profile) in C:\Users\gsyre\OneDrive\Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ProfilerMissing\ProfilerMissing\MainWindow.xaml.vb:line 269

Unfortunately, your "an error seems to have occurred!" dialog does not allow keyboard input to close it. Either Return to trigger OK or Esc to close the dialog would have been fine. But as it is, running into this means I have to shut the app down via Task Manager. So I have no idea if it would have eventually finished loading the file.

The call stack led me to suspect that your tool has a problem with XMLs that do not have the overview exported, so I tried again with Overviews included in the DVDP export. That worked. As the overview is not something needed for most of your analysis and it slows down export and import, this should probably be fixed
Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 16903
Thanks a lot for the explanation
Topic Replies: 8, Topic Views: 5402
Quoting TomGaines:
Quoting MarEll:
I have a question though, is it possible to prevent the parent tag being displayed with every child tag?

Somthing like this should do the trick:

if (tag.match("Contributions/")) document.write(tag.substring(tag.lastIndexOf("/")+1));

Tom, your post is basically the only mention I find of DP_Tags. Is there a complete list of the header vars somewhere, or can it maybe be generated within DVDP?

Edit: AH, found it! It's in the generated HTML.
Topic Replies: 13, Topic Views: 16490
Ah, I see, thanks for the clarification.

I now found which tool I meant: It was called NameVariants and is indeed by goodguy. The crazy thing about it is that it actually allows you to change the profile credits from within the stand-alone application.
Topic Replies: 8, Topic Views: 5402
Is this a replacement for http://gsyren.ownit.nu/NameCheck/NameCheck.html ?

FYI, I think there's also an old tool by another plug-in/tool dev that more or less does the same thing. I can't check what it's called right as I'm not at my main pc, but I know it uses HTA html files

Edit: It might be CLT, it's definitely by goodguy
Topic Replies: 8, Topic Views: 5402
The Fratelli Chase Theme? That's indeed Grusin.
Topic Replies: 1, Topic Views: 1899
Quoting Magmadrag:
I just gave it a try.... and I am not able to understand:

Okay, with flagging all the export doesn't work.... Could anybody explain me why it works in two parts but not in one???

I see three possible reasons:
1) you accidentally did NOT flag all profiles when you created the two halves.
2) one half contains subprofiles of parents in the other half
3) there is some kind of duplicate ID issue, with the duplicate being in the other half. Potentially caused by alternate profiles or a similar concept.

Hard to track down then, unless we have a way to find out which profile the full export hangs at. Easiest would be if there was a temp incomplete export file stored somewhere we could access at the time of the error message. But it's probably cleaned up already. However, finding the profile could again be done by the splitting approach, or rather, a similar one:

Let's say you have 28k profiles. You now know, that exporting first 14k works, but exporting all 28k doesn't. First thing to try, just in case, is exporting 27999, you never know, there might be a bug when exporting exactly all profiles. If that does not work, try exporting 21k. If that works, try 24.5k and so on. If it doesn't, reduce to 17.5k. Etc etc.. That way you should once again find the culprit with less than 15 tries. We then "only" would have to find out why this profile causes issues when combined with some other profile. Either by manually thinking about it (checking ID etc.) or once again by finding the problematic "partner" profile, causing the conflict, with the same approach.
Topic Replies: 168, Topic Views: 12299
Quoting Magmadrag:
And I'm convinced that it's something else. Those characters appear in so many profiles that it would have been discovered long ago if they caused problems of this nature. But the only known problem is that they display incorrectly.

The only chance to find out at least the first profile which causes troubles is to export every single one and check if it works. But with 28.000 profiles this is an unimaginable work.

It is not. Just half it every time. Select the first 14k profiles, and export. If it works, the issue is with the other 14k. The 14k that fail, split into 2x 7k and try the export. Repeat until done. It takes 15 such splits to determine the problematic profile.
Topic Replies: 168, Topic Views: 12299
Quoting mediadogg:
Do you have these files?

I'm afraid all the files do indeed exist
Topic Replies: 168, Topic Views: 12299
Invelos Forums->Posts by hydr0x Page: 1  Previous   Next