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Contribution comments for [4045167011106.5] (Locked)
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantSeghal
Registered: March 15, 2007
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all info from

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Profile Contribution Approved Jan 14 2012  9:32AM

Image Contribution Approved Jan 14 2012  9:32AM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantZipcom
Registered: March 23, 2007
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corrected title and collection as printed on the Box.
add rating, running time, SRP (Amazon).
Overview sorted to match the actual release dates.

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Profile Contribution Approved May 24 2012  5:28PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorSwissFilm
Registered: May 16, 2010
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New and definitiv Release Date from and, today communicated.

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Profile Contribution Approved May 26 2012  1:23PM

3D TV Panasonic TX-P65VT30J + Blu-ray Player Panasonic DMP-BDT500
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorDaMikstar
Registered: March 15, 2007
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- Full Audit!

- corrected running time:
James Bond jagt Dr. No: 1:49:50
Liebesgrüße: 1:55:12
Goldfinger: 1:50:01
Feuerball: 2:10:23
Man lebt nur zweimal: 1:56:58
Im Geheimdienst ihrer Majestät: 2:22:18
Diamantenfieber: 2:00:08
Leben und Sterben lassen: 2:01:38
Der Mann mit dem Goldenen Colt: 2:05:13
Der Spion, der mich: 2:05:40
Moonraker: 2:06:28
In Tödlicher Mission: 2:07:59
Octopussy: 2:10:48
Im Angesicht des Todes: 2:11:18
Der Hauch des Todes: 2:10:53
Lizenz zum Töten: 2:13:21
Goldeneye: 2:10:00
Der Morgen stirbt nie: 1:59:20
Die Welt ist nicht genug: 2:08:20
Stirb an einem anderen Tag: 2:12:27
Casino Royale: 2:24:33
Ein Quantum Trost: 1:46:14

= 45:59:02 = 2759:02 -> 2759 Mins.
- removed studios as this is a box set
- added MGM to media companies (from backcover)
- added featurettes (found on the box' bonus disc)
- added color
- added overview from backcover
- added child profiles (some already exist in database from previous box sets, the new ones will be uploaded by me later)
- added disc info
- added cover scans

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Profile Contribution Approved Oct  1 2012 10:54AM

Image Contribution Approved Oct  1 2012 10:54AM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantCash Payne
Registered: May 27, 2007
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added new Box Scans - Front and Back - Source own Scans - Hope you like it

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Profile Contribution Approved Oct  1 2012 11:18AM

Image Contribution Approved Oct  1 2012 11:18AM

DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantskywalker087
Registered: February 11, 2010
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Move the disc profiles of the movies to this boxset.

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Profile Contribution Declined Oct  3 2012 10:53AM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorLewis_Prothero
Strength Through Unity
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Removed CoO (not identical for all films of the box)
Corrected CaseType according to CaseType thread in forum
Removed incorrect MC (MGM is only mentioned for "Package Design")
Removed Videoformat according to boxset rules
Removed the DiscIDs that belong to Boxset content from Disc Info section (This is not a TV-Show)

Source for all changes: Own boxset

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Profile Contribution Approved Oct  8 2012 12:45PM

It all seems so stupid, it makes me want to give up!
But why should I give up, when it all seems so stupid?

Registrant since 05/22/2003
DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantgs
Registered: March 24, 2007
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Cover 90 degree turning

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Profile Contribution Declined Oct 18 2012  6:20PM

Image Contribution Declined Oct 18 2012  6:20PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantdwischnewski
Registered: December 2, 2011
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Not fully finished yet.

Production Year: changed to 2012, as the movies come from 1962 - 2008, 2012 is production year of the whole set
Running Time: added all the times of all DVDs (movies only, not the features, which would amount to over 46+120 hours)
Vidoeformats: different, depending on movie, the most common selected
Features: taken from the first disk
Subtitles: taken from the first disk
Audio Tracks: taken from the first disk
Box Set: Used every disk to read out (not finished yet), all descriptions from the
Crew/Cast: From title screens and IMDB, cross checked as far as possible, used assignments from IMDB, names from titles

(You may want to remove MGM again, as I read in post from Lewis_Prothero)

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Profile Contribution Declined Oct 31 2012  6:52PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsilentsign
Mr. Limited Edition
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added new cover-scans with better color match, more sharpness and contrast and less dirt. hope you like it. source is of course m own bd-box-set.

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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsilentsign
Mr. Limited Edition
Registered: May 18, 2007
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Recontribution for the Bond-Box.
You were right, the formerly contributed scans were light green at the upper side of the front cover. The exisiting ones are some kind of blue.

So here is the new scan, with correct color match, verified with print-proof. I also removed dirt or smudges, so that we now have a clean scan for front and back.

hope you like it. source is my own bd-box-set.

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Profile Contribution Approved Nov 30 2012  4:37PM

Image Contribution Approved Nov 30 2012  4:37PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorF1Database
Registered: April 7, 2007
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Added the Bonus-Disc to the Box Set
Added Disc + Descriptions to Disc Info

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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorF1Database
Registered: April 7, 2007
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Added Bonus-Disc to Box-Set
Deleted Disc Infos per rule

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Profile Contribution Approved Jan  5 2013  3:46PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorMickySpoon
Registered: May 9, 2007
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removed feature per box set rules

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Profile Contribution Approved May 26 2013 12:49PM

Si on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, on doit aimer, ce qu'on a !
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantAnimeempire
Registered: June 24, 2007
Austria Posts: 3
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Rotate Scans in right view

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Profile Contribution Declined Aug 11 2014  5:59PM

Image Contribution Declined Aug 11 2014  5:59PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorMickySpoon
Registered: May 9, 2007
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added box set IDs with new child profiles with the correct coverscans, case type and release date

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Profile Contribution Approved Mar 18 2015  9:27AM

Si on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, on doit aimer, ce qu'on a !
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