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Contribution comments for [8717418262273.5] (Locked)
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DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantbbecker994
Registered: June 2, 2007
Germany Posts: 0
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New Blu-Ray with EAN

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Profile Contribution Approved Jul 11 2010  8:41AM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantHuberto
Registered: June 16, 2007
Switzerland Posts: 6
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-Title: I added original title
-Regions: it's a region-free disc (tested with player)
-Produced: the movie was released March 31, 2010
-Running time: 1:47:38-->108 min
-Studios: from opening credits and MC from back cover
-features: tested with Blu-ray player
-Video format: it's widescreen 2.35:1
-subtitles and audio tracks: tested with player and receiver (commentary track is subtitled in different languages)
-Overview: from back cover
-Easter egg: tested with player
-disc info: added extended discID
-Crew and cast: from opening and end credits

I also added the cover scans.

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Profile Contribution Approved Oct  4 2010  2:39PM

Image Contribution Approved Oct  4 2010  2:39PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorMaddinF
Registered: July 12, 2010
Germany Posts: 2
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- crosslinked "Julie Ann Robinson"
  -> "Julie Ann Robinson" is credited in the following 35 titles (53 profiles):
  -> "Julie Anne Robinson" is credited in the following 26 titles (44 profiles):
- added group dividers as in closing credits

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Profile Contribution Approved Feb  5 2011 11:24AM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributor_ppj_
Registered: May 18, 2007
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corrected "Film Editing" according to the rules -
"Principal Editors listed when credited together", but they do not.
Nancy Richardson in opening credits,
Janice Hampton in end credits

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Profile Contribution Approved Nov 25 2011  4:37PM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorbmw-850-csi
Registered: November 9, 2007
Germany Posts: 3
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add SRP:
corrected Case Type
add genre
corrected Media Companies from Backcover
New Coverscans by me. I hope you like it ;-)

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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorSwissFilm
Registered: May 16, 2010
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Added SRP default value.
Changed Case Type to HD Slim.
Added Romance to Genres.
Added all Media Companies from Backcover.
I am not happy with the actual scans nor the wrong colors in the contribution from bmw-850-csi from yesterday. I tried with my own scans and show you here the result. A good thing to compare is the yellow color of the FSK-Logo or the brown bottom background on the Backcover. The blue on the actual Backcover is really wrong.
Perhaps somebody likes my scans :-)

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3D TV Panasonic TX-P65VT30J + Blu-ray Player Panasonic DMP-BDT500
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorSwissFilm
Registered: May 16, 2010
Reputation: Superior Rating
Switzerland Posts: 516
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Added SRP default value. Changed Case Type to HD Slim. Added Romance to Genres. Added all Media Companies from Backcover. I am not happy with the actual scans nor the wrong colors in the contribution from bmw-850-csi from yesterday. I tried with my own scans and show you here the result. A good thing to compare is the yellow color of the FSK-Logo or the brown bottom background on the Backcover. The blue on the actual Backcover is really wrong. Perhaps somebody likes my scans :-)

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Profile Contribution Approved Feb 19 2012  4:32PM

Image Contribution Approved Feb 19 2012  4:32PM

3D TV Panasonic TX-P65VT30J + Blu-ray Player Panasonic DMP-BDT500
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorFire and Blood
Registered: May 24, 2007
Reputation: High Rating
Germany Posts: 43
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- added color

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Profile Contribution Approved Jun 23 2012  6:55AM

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorRichiLIVE
Registered: March 17, 2007
Austria Posts: 174
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new scans

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Profile Contribution Approved Feb  6 2014  5:34PM

Image Contribution Approved Feb  6 2014  5:34PM

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