If you are - like me - a bit anal about the cast listings in your profiles, you probably know that older profiles may not have had the possibility to use group dividers, so you might see something like this ...  ... when it should be a group with a group divider. Well, I wanted a way to find profiles that might need to be updated with group dividers, so I wrote a small tool.  This will show profiles that have recurring role names. In the case of The Witch and the Lion it tells me that are six groups and how large each group is. Please remember, though, that the actual credits could in fact have recurring role names rather than one group name, so in that case you should not use group dividers. You really need to spin up the disc and check that actual credits! (And if you chose to do a full audit while you're at it, so much the better.) Double clicking a title will select that profile in DVD Profiler. It will use HTTPJolie if you have that, but it will work without it as well. If you uncheck Use HTTPJolie in the settings, it will not even try to connect (thus starting quicker). CastGroupCheck 1.0.0 |